In the event of unexpected financial barriers to pursuing their education, currently enrolled students may apply for the HelpLink emergency grant. HelpLink is short-term, small-scale, limited and temporary aid meant to address sudden obstacles to educational goals. All aid awarded through the HelpLink grant is in the form of direct purchases for qualifying expenses. Each application is reviewed on a case-by-case basis and awards are equity based, meaning the amount will vary based on the needs, not exceeding a capped amount. More information about HelpLink and other forms of available support can be found below.
If you are experiencing unforeseen financial circumstances, you may request support from the HelpLink program. HelpLink awards are designed to offer short-term support to currently enrolled students who are at risk of being unable to complete their educational goals at AACC due to sudden or unexpected financial barriers. Learn more about the HelpLink program.
Complete your HelpLink application.
HelpLink funds are provided in the form of direct and specific assistance. HelpLink awards will be mailed/shipped directly to students, and/or processed online to honor social distancing practices.
The Office of Student Engagement is a distribution partner of the Maryland Food Bank. Our campus pantry at AACC was created in partnership with the Maryland Food Bank and provides food to current AACC students, faculty and staff.
If you have additional questions about food pantry services, email
If you are homeless or in foster care, you may qualify for special tuition waivers, but regardless of your living status, please consult with a member of our financial aid team.
If you’re struggling financially while going to school, you may be experiencing mental and physical stress. Please schedule an appointment with one of our personal counselors and contact our Health & Wellness Center.